Saturday, April 16, 2016

What should I write about? (Fiction)

Hello all! Logan here. Today is the first official post on the blog. YAY! In this article, I'll be covering how to start a story. I don't know about you, but when I first began writing for fun back when I was a child, the biggest obstacle I always faced was how to being. In fact, this was for just about anything I ever wrote as a child. If you're in that boat, never fear! I'm here to tell you that it's easier than you think! You just have to know the technique.

First, I'll cover how to start a story in a fiction work. Obviously, the first thing you need to do when getting ready to write a piece of fiction is to get an idea of what to write about. Before you can do that, though, you need to find some source of inspiration. A good writer always writes about themselves, in a way. Use your emotions and your personal experiences to craft an idea. Everyone leads a different life, and everyone has different experiences under their belt, so using your emotions a source of inspiration really helps you create a unique work. Also, if you're writing using what you really feel on the inside, your writing is sure to strong and have a very influential effect on your readers.

So now you know that good writing comes from your emotions and experiences. “But Logan! That doesn't give any ideas to write about!” I hear you cry. Not to worry – that's where other pieces of literature come in. It seems a bit ironic that you would resort to reading someone else's story to get an idea for your own, but truth be told, it really is a good and reliable way. Now of course I'm not saying you should copy it, that's not fun. It's also illegal. But try to think about how you change the story if you got the chance.

I'm sure we've all had that experience while reading a book where we think on thing is going to happen, and then something totally different happens. Every time that happens, take note of it. Realize it or not, you're writing a story in your head when you do that. So hold on to those thoughts, because they could serve as wonderful ideas for when you're writing your own story. You can use this same technique for movies and television shows as well. It really is a good way to get some good ideas. Also, when you're looking for something to write about, try listening to music. Maybe you've heard this one before, but it really does help. Good writing comes from your heart. If you really want to create a sad seen in a work, put on sad music and get yourself into the mood. That always works for me.

If you find yourself unable to come up with ideas, even after doing these things, don't worry. You're normal! It takes time to come up with good ideas and you shouldn't rush yourself. A good exercise it to just write about random things that you come across. Look up from your computer (or phone). Whatever you see, may it be a book, a person, a picture, or even a dirt sock, write about it! You might find that as you begin to write about this seeming random object, your brain starts to come up with ideas on its own. And that's a good way to get ideas for a story as well. Maybe don't write a book about that dirty sock, but use some of the ideas you got while writing about it. You never know when those random ideas might come in handy. A good writer is always ready to write down an idea that comes to mind. Keep your journal handy :)

I'll be uploading a second entry next week on how to generate ideas for a nonfiction paper.

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